Diary of an Overweight Sistah

Join me on my journey of weight loss. It will be a long hard road. When I started out as an adult I was a size 0. I am a size 16/18 depending who the outfit is made for. With hypertension and diabetes in my family...something has to give and it won't be my heart nor my health so the race is on! I will log into my blog daily to keep you posted. HOld me accountable. Laugh with me, cry with me, lecture me. If I could figure out how to post periodic pictures I would, but I don't so sorry.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Day 6 - June 16th

Okay today was a funny day. I had a meeting in Seattle so I got to catch the bus. Note I haven't caught a bus in over 4 years because I work in the middle of nowhere and catching a bus isn't reasonable. With that sad let's talk about my journey.

I wake up late as usual. The bus that runs 2 blocks from my house leaves at 7:25 and well by the time I get dressed it is 7:35. So I decided to catch the 2. Well that bus runs on Union. As I am not a morning person clearly I wasn't thinking straight. So I set out to catch the #2. Forgetting that Union was about 6 blocks. I set out thinking it was the next street over. So unintenionally I got about 1 mile in on my way to the bus.

So I go to my housing summit and ride the bus. It was great not having to drive. I need a job in Seattle for sure. Anyway I get there and they have continental breakfast so I had a plate of fruit and half a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast.

Lunch: Ultimate Turkey Sandwich on wheat bread ( I really don't like cold food for lunch)

When it was over I decided to go and put in some volunteer hours at the Ron Sims for Govenor campaign which is a bit of a trek from the Seattle Center. So I decide to catch a bus. I walk to the bus stop. I have no change so I have to walk 3 blocks to the store to get change. I walk to the next bus stop, it stinks so I keep it moving. The next couple of stops there was construction going on. I was cool sitting around a place where the workers had on hard hats and I didn't. In my line of sight if something fell I looked as likely to get hit as they did. So keep on walking. Before I know it I have walked about 2 miles. Again not intentionally. Finally I get to a bus stop that didn't have a flirty homeless person or construction and caught the bus the last mile or so.

Dinner? I didn't have it. I just wasn't hungry for some reason. I know bad idea. I will work on that.


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