April 22, 2005
Man it is so hard to get motivated to blog. I am still basking in my surprise success now I am annoyed cause I can't see it. I feel it. So my triffling butt got my $186 worth of dry cleaning that had been there for 1 year out and put on some clothes I couldn't wear last summer hence why they stayed in the cleaners so long and there is room in the waist. NOw my hips, thighs, and azz have gone no where so I can't go down a size, but I have plummer's butt with the best of them! Watch out now!
You know my co-worker asked me what motivated me and I could say alot of things that really are a more logical like everyone in the family is diabetic, I already have heart problems, etc. But I would be lying. One day I looked at a picture (I love being in pictures) and realized my face was fat. There is nothing attractive to me about an adult with a fat face. I then remembered the last outfit I had to buy for a wedding was a size 20 bottom. You have to kidding me. So that then got me started then the face thing.
This week has been a good week. I have made it to the gym for the most part every day. I missed Weds as I was sick and didn't go today. So I did walk to and from work today. So I will be at the cross training class in the morning and weight lifting on Sunday. Ugh I hate not having a weekend day off. But such is the life of the fat and motivated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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