Diary of an Overweight Sistah

Join me on my journey of weight loss. It will be a long hard road. When I started out as an adult I was a size 0. I am a size 16/18 depending who the outfit is made for. With hypertension and diabetes in my family...something has to give and it won't be my heart nor my health so the race is on! I will log into my blog daily to keep you posted. HOld me accountable. Laugh with me, cry with me, lecture me. If I could figure out how to post periodic pictures I would, but I don't so sorry.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Monday, April 18, 2005

Yo I am so not motivated. What is it about a menstral cycle that takes your will to go to the gym? I am really not sure. So I am taking lunch off to do some errands and will head to kick boxing tonight. I don't feel like going.

WHoever said you start to like this lied. I don't like the gym, I don't like exercising. The fact remains I am fat and NEED to exercise so I will grin and bear it and suck it up.

Pray for me.


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