Diary of an Overweight Sistah

Join me on my journey of weight loss. It will be a long hard road. When I started out as an adult I was a size 0. I am a size 16/18 depending who the outfit is made for. With hypertension and diabetes in my family...something has to give and it won't be my heart nor my health so the race is on! I will log into my blog daily to keep you posted. HOld me accountable. Laugh with me, cry with me, lecture me. If I could figure out how to post periodic pictures I would, but I don't so sorry.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Feb. 24, 2005

I guess I have always hated journaling so I shouldn't be surprised when I don't.

Well it has been an interesting week. I left for Miami last Thursday-Monday so you can bank on I ate what the heck I wanted to and didn't exercise. But walking around South Beach was exercise LOL

Tuesday and Weds I hit the gym at lunch and went to bed early. I am coming down with something and am finding it hard to work out with 100%. I probably should skip today, but it is weights. I am finally starting to see a few results. Muscle under the fat! LOL

I really need to get some vitamins and start taking my iron pills again.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Tuesday and Weds

Tuesday was a good day. It was weight lifting class day. I ate well drank 4 liters of water and went to bed early.

Weds.................... I was tired and lazy. Go figure. I couldn't go to the gym at lunch as we had a work potluck. I needed to get taxes and packing taken care of so I could have gone after work, but got caught up.

UGH I am headnig out of town for the weekend so I have to find a way.................

Pray for me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Monday, Feb. 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!!! You would think the gym would be empty. Hell no everyone wanted to burn calories to go eat like horses after work!

With let me update you on last week and the weekend since I didn't post. Last week I made it to the gym 5 days. Monday 45 minutes of cardio on my own with some weights, Tuesday Body Sculpting class, Weds Kickboxing, Thursday Body Sculp, Friday off, Saturday kick boxing, weights, and another 1/2 of cardio! MY BUTT HURTS still. I like the 5 day a week workout thing. I will keep it up.

Yesterday was 2/14. I did good. I ate my raisins and spice oatmeal and 1.5 liters of water by 11 AM. Went to water aerobics at lunch. PAIN like none other. For lunch I had left over shrimp and brocoli from Sunday brunch. Snack: cup of noodles. 1.5 liters of water by 5.

After work I went to abs class from 5:00-5:25 then kickboxing. I am sore as hell! However I will be out of town this weekend so two a day a must. I must say I liked the water aerobics class so it will now be my Monday and Friday class..................................

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I have been trippin'. Not blogging or anything and the funny thing is I have been taking my lazy butt to the gym. Go figure.

So since I last posted I have changed jobs PRAISE GOD. No more 45 minute drive. I can now catch the bus and with that requires a little more walking and exercise. I now work in downtown Seattle and get motivated to hit the pavement at lunch if I don't go to the gym.

The best part of my new job is the fact there is a gym in my building! I have no excuse. So now my routine is pretty set. Monday kickboxing after work. If I am not doing lunch with someone I go and do 1/2 hour on the bike or step during lunch. Tuesday and Thursday a body sculpting class. A little cardio, but more weights. Weds. lunch kick boxing. Friday I have been taking the day off, but I think I will get in on the eliptical on Fridays.

The last two days I have walked home. It is about 25 blocks. On a slow day like yesterday I took 1/2 hour. The day before I was at 22 minutes.

Water: I am up to 3 liters a day. I still run to the bathroom every few minutes. When do you get used to this I keep asking? I have to stop drinking water by 3 if I plan to be able to walk home and not find a tree to use :-)

Eating it is lent. Maybe I will go sugar free or low sugar. I have the splenda cheesecake from cheese cake factory for my lunch treat today LOL