Diary of an Overweight Sistah

Join me on my journey of weight loss. It will be a long hard road. When I started out as an adult I was a size 0. I am a size 16/18 depending who the outfit is made for. With hypertension and diabetes in my family...something has to give and it won't be my heart nor my health so the race is on! I will log into my blog daily to keep you posted. HOld me accountable. Laugh with me, cry with me, lecture me. If I could figure out how to post periodic pictures I would, but I don't so sorry.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Monday, June 28

Wow it is almost July. My goodness. Anyway so I am another day late. Day late $ short. LOL

As I mentioned I went to bed early on Sunday. So I made it to Pilates. My stomach is still a bit sore the next day. However since my back was really hurting it went well. I got some good stretches in. After Pilates I did 25 minutes of cardio on the bike. I stayed at my target heart rate of 153 for the majority of the time!!! Then did some leg work.

Breakfast: 1 bowl Smart Start
Lunch: turkey taco's and salad
Dinner: baked Talipia and String beans

2 liters of water

Monday, June 28, 2004

Saturday, June 26 & Sunday June 27

Saturday I got up and started cleaning my room then felt back for being lazy on Friday and decided I needed to make it up. So I ate a bowl of Raisin Bran and got ready to go. I called my girl April to see if she was down to walk Seward Park (2.5 miles or so) and she was. However she wanted to hook up at 12:30 and it was 10:45. So I went to the gym.

I did about 10 minutes on the bike to warm up then I half azz stretched. I worked on upper body on Saturday and I am still a little sore. I did about a solid hour then headed to Seward.

Didn't eat anything for lunch. I just wasn't hungry. I know bad Angela, but I really wasn't hungry. When I got home I did my new quick favorite meal........frozen turkey burger on a wheat bun. Got dressed for the Que Cruise and headed to Stanford's Restaurant for a going away party. I got a side Ceasar Salad and then we headed to the cruise. I again had a few drinks and let me tell you I still am feeling it. LOL

Water : 1 liter for the day

No exercise today. I needed a day off and to be honest I dont' think I could have done anything. After getting home at 3:30 AM and then getting up for church at 9:30 I was tired!

Breakfast: Raisin Bran and Soy Milk
Lunch: Crawfish Etoufee
Dinner: went to bed

I went to bed right after going to my chapter's Library Tea. I didn't eat dinner last night. I literally got home and went to bed.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Friday, June 25, 2004

This hit home for me today:

Do not be discouraged at your faults; bear with yourself in
correcting them, as you would with your neighbor. Lay aside this
ardor of mind, which exhausts your body, and leads you to commit
errors. Accustom yourself gradually to carry prayer into all
your daily occupations. Speak, move, work, in peace, as if you
were in prayer, as indeed you ought to be.

-- François Fénelon

One of my biggest faults is laziness. I am working on that. However I am my worst critic. Whatever the case my be I am the worst critic. However these days I am lightening up. I am not just trying to lose weight for ego. It is about health. It is about feeling better. If I look better that is just bonus!!!! LOL

So I am just getting back to this on Monday which is a bit sad since I dont' remember what I was feeling on Friday, but it is all good.

Friday after work I went home and made a turkey burger and had wheat bread bun and salad.

Then went to a club. Had a few to many alcoholic beverages. I think any good I accomplished this week was over riden by the alcohol I consumed both friday and saturday. LOL

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Thursday, June 24

So today I had a 7:30 AM meeting. Now I could have gone across the street and run a few laps at the same time I would have gone to the gym, but I have a long day so I decided to sleep in! YIPPEEE SO today is my day off. This weekend I will have to hit it to the track and eat right to make up for today.

Breakfast: Strawberry Wild Jamba Juice

Lunch: Turkey burger on a whole wheat bun x2

DInner: I will be going to Coco Tree Jamacian Restaurant so I can tell you I will be off the wagon then too. Thus why I said today is a day off.

I don't really feel guilty about it either. I am just getting back into the swing of things so in 2 weeks if I do this then I will be triffling.

Tomorrow will be a morning trip to do cardio so after my girl's play to bed I will go. Let's hope I remember my clothes this time LOL

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Weds., June 23

Okay so I have to start out with my comedy for the day. I am striving to be comedy free and drama free! But it doesn't darn happen. So I get up at 5:15 AM. I packed my breakfast stuff and got my bag ready and hung my clothes on the hanger by the door after ironing. So I was set to be on it this morning. So since my clock is like hella fast (don't know how fast it is) I was running a bit late. I got up and it was 5:30. So anyway I was rushing on out the door. Everything was ready you know? So I grabbed my bag and headed to the gym.

So I roll to the gym listening to Kayne West blasting Jesus Walks and was loving it!!!!! I listened to it like 15 times LOL So anyway I get to the gym and as soon as I stood up I realized my dumb ass forgot to bring my clothes HANGING by the door. So I had my shower stuff and clean undergarments and if I lived in Freemont during the festival I could have gone to work in my underwear..........since I don't and I won't....... I was faced with a dilema. So I could go work out and then head back 30 miles back to Seattle WITH traffic at 7:30 after Pilates or turn around now before traffic. Well I said no excuses this week so......... I had to just deal with traffic. So at 7:10 AM I had to head out back to Seattle (did I mention almost 30 miles?) and sit in traffic to do it because I forgot my darn clothes. I am not a morning person! So lesson learned....... not only pack my bag, but pack the
car too LOL

Breakfast: 2 packets of Raisins and Spice Oatmeal at 10 (rememember I was late to work)
and cherry's

1 liter of water by noon

Lunch: Chicken and Brocolli pasta lean cuisine meal (12:30 PM)

Sugar free jello cup and carrot sticks

1 liter of water by 5 PM

LATE DINNER (couldn't help it I was starving) 8:45 small sliver of broiled salmon and salad with LITE olive oil dressing. I went to a reception with all beef and fried vegetarians dishes so I didn't eat. I hate being a non-beef/pork eater or in my case just picky in general

Exercise: PIlates (ALL ABS I can't even laugh)
10 minutes on the bike
Till tomorrow

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Tuesday, June 22

Today was a good day. It was sunny in Seattle! LOL Okay so this morning the alarm went off and well you know what????????????? I unplugged it. 5AM gets here to damn soon. So I did the 2 walks with my coworkers at 10:30 and 3:30. I need to start going to the gym in the morning even if I oversleep. I can always go lift or do cardio. Let's quite playing. I don't do a variety of cardio. I ride the bike LOL

So anyway I did well eating today. Next week I will make an honest effort at starting the South Beach Diet. Which will be interesting giving the Fourth of July Festivities. Hmm may need to rethink that!

So anyway today I wore my capri's that were a little tight this time last summer and they fit. I guess I really did lose some weight. I can't tell yet, but whatever. Just think if I get my lazy ass to the gym and walk in the evenings it will be all good.

What did I eat today?
Breakfast: 1 bowl of Smart Start with low fat milk
1 liter of water by 11 AM

Lunch: Three Cheese Chicken Lean Cuisine Meal

1 liter of water by 3

Sugar Free Jello cup for a 3PM snack

1/2 liter of water by 5.

BTW I almost peed on myself on my way to Seattle. To much water! Yall who tell me it gets better............ YOU LIED. I still run to the bathroom 1000 times a day.

Okay I am done blogging for the day. See you tomorrow.


Monday, June 21, 2004

Monday, June 21, 2004

Man 5AM gets here before you know it!!!! I was so mad when the clock went off. However it was sunny as hell so I would have woken up pretty early anyway. I have a house guest staying with me that gets up and works out in the morning to and he got up and went to hit the track and that motivated me.

So I went back to Pilates. Let me tell you after being off for 1 month I am dying. My stomach is like UGH!!! I tell you. So I did 1 hour of Pilates then headed up to do some weights. I did legs mostly. Let's hope in Powerflex tomorrow she isn't on legs. After doing some lifting for about 20 - 30 minutes I went to do 15 minutes of Cardio. Let's just say if I am doing Cardio it is probably about 98% that it is the bike. I love the bike. I stayed at my target heart rate 154 for the majority of the time. I remembered my inhaler so I was good to go.

So it is time to shower. I have to share these experiences as I am just dumbfounded. So first the good part. I took my shower (I sweated up some stuff today) and got on the scale. I am 202. That is alot bigger than I ever thought I would be however I had gotten to 218 so that is great progress. Particularly since I have been being lazy the last month or so. However the last 3 weeks I have cut back on carbs. It is hard giving up white rice, but brown rice here I come.

So I am now dressed and curling my hair. There is a chatty patty chick next to me and I am like do I look like I am in the mood to chat? So I talk to her a bit. Then she knows everyone in there so she has to talk to them all. Then she starts talking about her grandfather's will being revisted. I am like you know I am glad to hear drama happens in white families too. So back to curling my hair. So this woman I saw on the Eliptical machine who is probably a child's size 1 I mean tiny comes in. She has on this black and white stripped top. I noticed it on the machine like I said as she was tiny. Anyway she starts talking and pulling out her pants she is putting on. Why did this nasty heifer who had been working her azz off on the eliptical machine spray some perfume on like we are in Europe, leave on the same shirt and put on her pants................... She had jury duty today. I guess maybe she was hoping the smell would get her off serving? I originally had thought she was in her late 50's early 60's. But she had her pad lying next to her clothes (why do I always get near these types) so I am guessing she hasn't hit menopause yet.

It is 10:39 and I have drunk about 2/3 of 1 liter of water. At 11 I will have a Sugar Free strawberry Jello cup.

So now it is 1:35 I ate the rest of my shrimp and brocolli. They didn't have brown rice so I had white rice. That is it for the next little bit. I will jsut start having brown rice in the freezer for such instances. A friend of mine her mother cooks brown rice on Sunday and puts it in little containers to defrost throughout the week. BROWN RICE TAKES FOREVER TO DARN COOK!

I am at 1.5 liters of water!

Dinner tonight will be a chicken caesar salad from the Elysian. They are quite tasty.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Sunday June 20

Okay Sunday............................

Okay today not feeling to lazy. I rode my bike a bit. I took my butt about 1 mile away to the Juneteenth Celebration. Then didn't feel like riding my bike back ROFL

Breakfast: Went to Kingfish Cafe and got 1 pancake, scrambled eggs, sausage patty, 1 glass of orange juice

Lunch: BBQ chicken at the Juneteenth Celebration

Dinner: Shrimp and Brocolli with rice.

I am tripping I had only 8 oz of water today and it is hot as hell. So tomorrow it is on and popping. ANd it is back to the gym tomorrow. Let's hope my foot cooperates!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Friday June 18th

I forgot to write. My bad. I did about 1 mile today at work walking with coworkers YIPPEE

Breakfast two packets of Quaker oatmeal.
Lunch: Filet o Fish McDonalds
Dinner: costco frozen BBQ wings and a salad

Thursday, June 17, 2004

June 17th

Who cares which day this is......... LOL
Okay I am starving as I post. I had a bowl of Smart Start Cereal for breakfast with Soy Milk (something about being almost 30 can't take the lactose no more). I wasn't really feeling it, but I am tired of oatmeal. It is important to note if I could get up and cook or make breakfast and be on time or close to on time I would have more options. But since I don't I have to eat whatever is in this office. To that end.... It was cereal or oatmeal.

I didn't go to the gym, but I got to work at 7AM this morning so I could leave to go and get my hair done. Priorities right?

So anyway for lunch I had a Lean Cuisine Chicken Ceasar and Sugar Free Jello. I think I am gettign addicted to these jellos. It is 3:50 and I have finished 1.5 liters of water. I need to get that other 1/2 done!

Dinner will be Lean Cuisine Chicken Marsala, because it is what I have here at work. Pretty easy huh?

No exercise today. Monday we will be back on track at the gym and Saturday and Sunday I will hit up Seward Park and do the loop.

Day 6 - June 16th

Okay today was a funny day. I had a meeting in Seattle so I got to catch the bus. Note I haven't caught a bus in over 4 years because I work in the middle of nowhere and catching a bus isn't reasonable. With that sad let's talk about my journey.

I wake up late as usual. The bus that runs 2 blocks from my house leaves at 7:25 and well by the time I get dressed it is 7:35. So I decided to catch the 2. Well that bus runs on Union. As I am not a morning person clearly I wasn't thinking straight. So I set out to catch the #2. Forgetting that Union was about 6 blocks. I set out thinking it was the next street over. So unintenionally I got about 1 mile in on my way to the bus.

So I go to my housing summit and ride the bus. It was great not having to drive. I need a job in Seattle for sure. Anyway I get there and they have continental breakfast so I had a plate of fruit and half a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast.

Lunch: Ultimate Turkey Sandwich on wheat bread ( I really don't like cold food for lunch)

When it was over I decided to go and put in some volunteer hours at the Ron Sims for Govenor campaign which is a bit of a trek from the Seattle Center. So I decide to catch a bus. I walk to the bus stop. I have no change so I have to walk 3 blocks to the store to get change. I walk to the next bus stop, it stinks so I keep it moving. The next couple of stops there was construction going on. I was cool sitting around a place where the workers had on hard hats and I didn't. In my line of sight if something fell I looked as likely to get hit as they did. So keep on walking. Before I know it I have walked about 2 miles. Again not intentionally. Finally I get to a bus stop that didn't have a flirty homeless person or construction and caught the bus the last mile or so.

Dinner? I didn't have it. I just wasn't hungry for some reason. I know bad idea. I will work on that.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Day 5 - June 15th

Okay I will have to come back in this one later tonight, but I can tell you what I am going to eat today.

Breakfast: 2 packs of Raisins and Spice Oatmeal Quaker Oats baby.

Water: it is 11:15 and I am behind. I have only drank 20 Fl. Oz. But hell I have run to the bathroom 3 times off of that. Who the hell told me I would quit running to the bathroom as I drank more water! They lied!

Snack: Orange sugar free jello (I keep hearing there is pork in jello, but guess what? I don't eat pork by choice, I ain't Muslim so I will work that out!)

Lunch: leftover Cajun Shrimp, brown rice, and salad.

Dinner: Lean Cuisine Meal likely. Probably the Chicken Marsala. I kinda liked that.

I don't know if I will exercise today. Let's pray about that for a few hours. I am cramping and I hate being on my cycle at the gym. I went last month and this woman felt the need to dress out in the open (to her defense this Bally's doesn't have dressing rooms, but she could have taken her ass in the bathroom stall) and I had to look at her pad. I was a bit disgusted. So until I can figure out how that works I think cycle weeks will have to be evening gym workouts so I don't have to dress there. Why does this gym not have dressing rooms? You know it is funny to go to a gym where half of us are there because we done let it go to far not to get a healthy heart and the damn bathroom stalls are made for skinny chicks! I mean come on? If I could comfortably fit in that damn stall I wouldn't be at the gym at 5AM!!!!! Geez now my goal: "To comfortably git into the gym bathroom stall". Forget wearing a swimsuit! I would imagine I will look good in a swim suit before I can fit into that narrow ass stall.

So anyway I really hate the gym. You have to deal with other folks Nasty azz ways! So if anyone out there knows of a gym that only black people go to let me know. I am convinced some habits are cultural. Even if you go to a poor black persons house it will be clean. There is a difference between junk and filth...................... But I won't go there. This is my weight loss blog.

So I will log back in tonight as I am sure I will fluctuate from eating what
I just posted.

Okay so I lied. I was on my way home from work and was starving like marvin and saw McDonald's............. So I went to the drive through. YES I could have gotten a salad, but how do you eat a salad and drive? I wanted the little walkometer or whatever the hell you call it, but I got a cheese burger and a coke. The thing is the Coke burned my throat. That is what I get right? So anyway I did pretty good on eating today and had to blow it. Ooh well. Tomorrow I am at an all day Summit so it will be interesting. I don't have much choice in what I eat. I preselected a salad for lunch so I will have to work hard to fugg that up.

Did I mention my measurements for a bridesmaids dress? I won't say the size, but all I have to say is one of us needs to make damn formals for black women! DOn't make no sense or hips and azz cause us to go up 4 -6 sizes to get a damn formal! Seniqua and us get married to. Make us some damn dresses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until tomorrow.

For validity purposes let me just say GO PISTONS! So now you know I added some this evening. Although I admitted to eating some fatty foods so who would lie about that?

Day 4 - June 14th

As you can see I am cheating. I got lazy and didn't do this on time. Ooh well. You will be strong right?

Another lazy day. I was to tired to go to the gym this morning and had a council meeting this evening. (Yes I am making it sound like I wrote this yesterday) And as you will see me whine over the coming months if I have a Council meeting I wont' be bothered with the gym the next day. Small town folks love to be at meeting all night! Then you have to go home and unwind from the yahoo's talking all night and that takes about 2 or 3 hours! Which it did.

So anyway today my foot is a bit sore so even if I could have gotten out of bed I wouldn't have done much. I get an A+ for excuses so get used to it. However I did jump rope for 15 minutes on the porch.

What did I eat? I had a Jamba Juice for breakfast. As you can see I love them. If you feel like it buy me a blender for my birthday I could save about $20 a week. For lunch I had Chicken Marsala Lean Cuisine Meal and for Dinner I had Chicken Caesar Lean Cuisine meal. My morning snack? Skipped it. Afternoon snack? Sugar free strawberry jello. I really love strawberries and growing up I was allergic to them. Yesterday was a bad allergy day. Perhaps I need to do some research about if I really grew out of that allergy huh?

So another lazy day. I need to do better.

Day 3 - June 13

Okay the only exercise today was walking to the car, walking from car to church and back! Very little energy nor exercise today. Lazy day.

I ate the rest of the Cajun Shrimp from yesterday in an almost omelette. I can't get the dayum thing to flip right to save my life. So I guess it was some kind of egg hash! LOL But it was tasty. I used egg beaters. Not to bad. We will see.

Later on I went to two baby showers. I guess that is what you do at almost 30. So I had teriyaki chicken, salad, strawberry's and of course CAKE! Then at the second shower they had some kind of bougie looking tasty little vegetable thing I tried and loved it. Ooh and I had 3 beef meatballs. Not being a big beef eater lets just leave it at I regretted that later.

I didn't really have 3 meals today. Nor any snacks. Must do better.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Day 2 - June 12

Today is Saturday.......... I am tired. I mean I needed a day of rest and today was it So I decided to utilize it! So t that end I did. I got up and played around for a bit. Then I convinced my aunt to go walking around Seward Park with me. So we ran a few errand starting at 10AM and I still hadn't eaten. So I decided to go to jamba juice and get a strawberries wild smoothie! I love those things. Anyway we had the Jamba Juice and then headed to Seward Park. The loop is 2.4 miles in itself, however we had to park .5 miles away so it was a 3 mile day. Unfortunately my foot injury is still preventing me from walking like I would like to so we had to take it slow. About 45 minutes.

So then after the walk we went to Costco and I just had to have a hot dog. I was on a good roll and then headed home. And have been sleep off and on since. So for dinner I had Cajun Shrimp, strng beans and Brown Rice for dinner. So I am getting back motivated one step at a time, slowly, but surely! Keep me in your prayers.

Links for the day:
Seward Park: http://www.seattle.gov/parks/parkspaces/sewardpark.htm

Jamba Juice: http://www.jambajuice.com/

Friday, June 11, 2004

Day 1 - June 11

You know I realized that I have been having issues staying motivated as I try to take my family inheritance off of my hips and gut and realized I would start blogging my journey as there are plenty of people who have the same problems! So we can support each other.

You know turning 30 you want to do all of these things before it happens and like most people losing weight was mine. Well I have a little over 2 months so I won't make it! LOL BUt I will at least get started.

So now what diet do you do? Weight Watchers? South Beach? Atkins? Decisions decisions, decisions. I feel like a virgin coffee drinker at Starbucks.

For 1 month I went to the gym every morning at 6AM. Haven't been in a month! Need to get that started again. Monday!

Tell next time.